Are you up for the challenge of taking your DEKA experience to the next level?
If so, you'll be pleased to know that DEKA participants can now register for the Ruck division at all participating DEKA FIT events and select DEKA STRONG and DEKA MILE events.
To get involved, simply select the DEKA GORUCK registration block on the specific event page you're signing up for.
Our partners at GORUCK will be providing finisher patches to all those who complete the Ruck division, and gold/silver/bronze patches for the top three finishers.
Please note:
- Competitors are required to wear a 30lb (male) or 20lb (female) ruck or backpack throughout the event
- Weighted Vests and plate carries are not allowed
- Before the event begins and after finishing, the competitors' ruck or backpacks will be
weighed - We are a traditional ruck event so Rucks or backpacks only, please
- All Individual and Team rules, penalties, and general conduct for DEKA STRONG, DEKA MILE, and DEKA FIT events (including Ruck division) can be found in the rulebook
Good luck!