DEKA FIRE is our 10 Zone bodyweight test that provides you with a full body functional fitness test for all levels. It can be used as a benchmark and fitness improvement test as well as a training/workout session.
Zones & Movement Standards:
Zone 1 - Alternating Reverse Lunge x 30 (15 each leg)
- Begin from an upright standing position
- Step back to begin the reverse lunge movement
- Knee must touch the ground
- Knee must be below or behind the hip
- Front foot flat on the ground
- At the top of the rep competitor must be standing upright at hip and knee extension
- Split Squat Jumps are not permitted. Both feet must be on the ground at the top of the rep before you begin the next rep
- Alternate leg each rep (30 total - 15 each leg)
Zone 2 - Hand Release Push Up x 20
- Begin in a palm plank (push-up) position
- Lower yourself until your chest touches the ground
- Life your hands from the ground
- Return your hands to the ground, push back up into palm plank position
- At the top of the push-up (when you complete the rep) your body must be in-line without hip sag.
- Note: Dropping to your knees to complete the push up is allowed but as you finish the push-up rep, you must raise your knees off the ground (knees off the ground, body in-line, and with no hip sag).
Zone 3 - Sit Up x 30
- Begin lying on the ground with knees bent and hands touching the ground behind your head
- Sit-up until your torso is upright enough to allow you to touch the ground between your feet with both hands
- Lower torso back down on the ground and touch hands on the ground behind your head
- A rep is counted every time your hands touch the ground between your feet
- Note: Torso should reach 45 degrees or more off the ground as your hands touch the ground between your feet. If not, re-position feet further out in front of you
Zone 4 - Squat Jump x 30
- Begin from an upright standing position
- Squat down and touch the ground between your feet with both hands
- Jump up from the squat position
- During the jump, both feet must leave the ground and the body must reach a upright position with hip and knee extension
- A rep is counted once the body leaves the ground, body reaches upright position, and fingers reach above head
Zone 5 - Bear Crawl (forward & backward) x 50 meters
- Measure and mark a 5 meter zone
- Starting position is on the ground forward facing on all fours with entire body behind the start line
- Bear crawl forward until left or right hand touches the 5 meter line
- Bear crawl backward until entire body is behind the start line (this completes 1 down & back = 10 meters)
- Continue repeating for a total of 5 down & back = 50 meters
- Note: The torso must stay perpendicular to the lines during the forward and backward bear crawl movement. Moving sideways or with the torso at an angle is not allowed. Dropping to your knees to rest is fine but all forward and backward movement must take place with knees off the ground
Zone 6 - Shuttle Run x 100 meters
- Use the same 5 meter zone used for the Bear Crawl
- Start with both feet behind the line
- Run until you are close enough to touch the 5 meter line to bend down and touch the line with your right or left hand. Bend down and touch the line.
- Run back until you are close enough to touch the line you started from with your right or left hand. Bend down and touch the line (this completes 1 down & back = 10 meters)
- Continue repeating for a total of 10 down & back = 100 meters
- Note: every time you complete the 5 meter distance, bend down and touch the line (total of 20 line touches)
Zone 7 - Lateral Jump x 30 (15 each direction)
- You’ll need three markers (cones, rocks, tape lines, books, cans, etc)
- Lay on the ground and place one marker on the ground behind (touching) your head. Sit up and place a marker at the bottom of your feet (touching). Stand up and place the place marker in the middle of the two
- From a standing position place your right foot behind the marker on the right and your left foot behind the marker in the middle (or vice versa - left foot behind marker on the left and right foot behind the marker in the middle)
- Squat down and jump laterally with both legs pushing from the ground at the same time
- If jumping left, your left foot must land behind the marker on the left and your right foot must land behind the marker in the middle (this completes 1 rep). If jumping right, your right foot must land behind the marker on the right and your left foot must land behind the marker in the middle
- Continue repeating back and forth until you have completed 30 reps (15 each direction)
Zone 8 - Plank Shoulder Tap x 30 (15 each side)
- Starting in a plank position (hands and feet on the ground, feet shoulder width apart, body in a straight line from shoulders to ankles - no hip sag)
- Raise a hand off the ground and touch the opposite shoulder, return hand to the ground and maintain starting plank position. This completes 1 rep.
- Continue repeating side to side (alternating each rep) until you have completed 30 reps (15 each side)
Zone 9 - Lateral Shuffle x 100 meters
- Use the same 5 meter zone used for Bear Crawl and Shuttle Run
- Start with both feet behind the line
- Shuffle laterally (sideways) until you are close enough to touch the 5 meter line to bend down and touch the line with your right or left hand (depending on which way you’re facing). Bend down and touch the line
- Shuffle sideways (opposite direction) until you are close enough to touch the line you started from. Bend down and touch the line (this completes 1 down & back = 10 meters)
- Continue repeating for a total of 10 down & back = 100 meters
- Note: every time you complete the 5 meter distance, bend down and touch the line (total of 20 line touches)
Zone 10 - Burpee x 20
- Begin in an upright standing position with your hips and knees fully extended
- Drop down touch your hands on the ground and kick your feet back behind you
- From this position drop your body down until your chest makes contact with the ground and your knees are fully extended behind you
- Kick your feet forward
- Return to an upright position reaching hip and knee extension while jumping off the ground (both feet must leave the ground) and your fingertips must reach above your head.
- A rep is counted once the body leaves the ground, body reaches upright position, and fingers reach above head
- Note: Stepping your feet backward and forward IS allowed